#include "stdio.h" int main() { FILE *f; f = fopen("Data.dat", "w"); putc('C', f); fclose(f); return 0; }
#include "stdio.h" int main() { FILE *f; char ch; f = fopen("Data.dat", "r"); ch = getc(f); printf("Ki tu la: %c\n", ch); fclose(f); return 0; }
#include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" int main() { FILE *f; char ch; f = fopen("Data.dat", "w"); while((ch = getche()) != '\r') ch = putc(ch, f); fclose(f); return 0; }
#include "stdio.h" int main() { FILE *f; char ch; f = fopen("Data.dat", "r"); while((ch = getc(f)) != EOF) printf("%c", ch); fclose(f); return 0; }
#include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" int main() { FILE *f1, *f2; char ch; f1 = fopen("DataIn.dat", "r"); f2 = fopen("DataOut.dat", "w"); while((ch = getc(f1)) != EOF) putc(ch, f2); fclose(f1); fclose(f2); return 0; }
#include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "conio.h" #include "string.h" int main() { char selection[2]; char file_name[13]; char user_choice[2]; int selection_value; int file_character; FILE *file_pointer; printf("Chon mot trong cac muc sau:\n"); printf("1] Tao mot File moi.\n"); printf("2] Viet de len mot file da ton tai.\n"); printf("3] Cong them du lieu moi den file da ton tai.\n"); printf("4] Doc du lieu tu file dang ton tai.\n"); do { printf("Lua chon cua ban => "); gets(user_choice); selection_value = atoi(user_choice); switch(selection_value) { case 1: case 2: strcpy(selection, "w"); break; case 3: strcpy(selection, "a"); break; case 4: strcpy(selection, "r"); break; default: printf("Dieu nay khong duoc chon.\n"); selection_value = 0; } } while(selection_value == 0); printf("Nhap ten cua file => "); gets(file_name); if((file_pointer = fopen(file_name, selection)) == NULL) { printf("Khong mo duoc file %s", file_name); exit(-1); } switch(selection_value) { case 1: break; case 2: case 3: printf("Nhap vao chuoi de luu: \n"); while ((file_character = getche()) != '\r') file_character = putc(file_character, file_pointer); break; case 4: while((file_character = getc(file_pointer)) != EOF) printf("%c", file_character); break; } fclose(file_pointer); return 0; }
#include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" typedef struct { char part_name[15]; int quantity; float cost_each; } parts_structure; int main() { parts_structure parts_data; FILE *file_pointer; file_pointer = fopen("PARTS.DAT", "wb"); do { printf("\nName of part => "); gets(parts_data.part_name); printf("\nNumber of parts => "); scanf("%d", &parts_data.quantity); printf("Cost per part => "); float cost; scanf("%f", &cost); parts_data.cost_each = cost; fwrite(&parts_data, sizeof(parts_data), 1, file_pointer); printf("Add more parts (Y/N)? => "); } while(getche() == 'Y'); fclose(file_pointer); return 0; }